General News

King couple pens book on infertility

March 17, 2021   ·   0 Comments

A King City couple wants to help spread awareness about infertility to youngsters. Stephanie and Vince Macri are promoting their book, “Auston the Magical Egg,” in time for Canadian Infertility Awareness Week (April 18-24). Stephanie pointed out that 1 in 6 Canadian couples face troubles to conceive children. It is more common now than ever before that children are being conceived through assisted reproductive measures, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

New electric vehicle chargers coming to King

King Township will be getting a boost from the federal government, to install electric vehicle chargers across the municipality. Along with funding from the municipality, this will allow for the installation of between 10 and 12 electric vehicle charging stations, amounting to over 20 charging connectors.

Studio Tour King 2021 goes virtual

Visiting the country is a wonderful way to spend a weekend. It offers the opportunity to explore quaint villages and the studios of the local artists and artisans whose artwork often reflects the landscape around them. In King Township, each spring brings the Studio Tour King, typically held at the end of April. Unfortunately due to the pandemic and public health restrictions, the studio tour cannot be in person but will be held virtually.

Groups say Bill 257 allows MZOs

A provincial act supporting broadband across Ontario contains a potentially destructive policy. Environmental Defence, Ontario Nature and Ecojustice say Bill 257 exempts Ministeral Zoning Orders (MZOs) from planning laws and policy. This new law, they stress, would allow environmentally destructive projects to go forward even if they contravene basic planning rules.

Centre offers immersive online exhibit

A novel partnership between a local software company and King Heritage & Cultural Centre (KHCC) has resulted in a free virtual exhibit titled Stories of King, features interesting and lesser-known tales from the Township. While the KHCC continues to be closed to visitors, their staff continues to work on new projects behind the scenes.

Nobleton singer releases new single, ‘Take a Chance’

A Nobleton singer-songwriter has put his emotions on his sleeve with his new single. Country artist Matt Morson offers the public “Take a Chance,” a ballad that’s a song of hope, as much as it’s a song of love.

Township recognizes long term care use on Marylake property

An information report by King Township staff caused an uproar among members of the public. In a follow-up to a potential proposal by the owners of Marylake Monastery north of King City, staff accepted the fact the property has been used for long term care purposes. While no application has been made, staff and councillors wanted full transparency, since it’s a contentious local issue.

King’s blended water rates going up by 2.87%

Although some projects are being delayed, King residents are being protected from double-digit water rate increases this year. King council and staff delivered a plan to service all the needs, and protect infrastructure. Average homeowners will face a blended 2.87% hike in their combined water and wastewater rates in 2021.

Leacock publishes first online book

A Schomberg resident has penned his first book, a dream come true. Robin Leacock released Evolo, a young adult science fiction novel. The story is set in a dystopian future, where people live in fear of an apocalyptic event called the Last Day. The leaders in charge of keeping everyone safe create a new world to escape to, but suspicious events occur and secrets are exposed that call everything into question.

‘Shrooms’ come to the rescue for homeowners

An ounce of prevention is a valuable commodity these days. Homeowners are always on the lookout for products and devices that not only make their work easier, but add value. Shroom products check all the boxes and their lineup of innovative items are must-haves in every home.

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