January 11, 2023 · 0 Comments
The cost of municipal water and sewer services are going up again in King this year. Council approved the new higher rates, with a 3.41% hike in the variable rate, but no increase for the fixed component. Therefore, the blended rate will work out to 2.42% or $40.50 for the average user per year.
There’s no question the Province’s Bill 23 will have major impacts on municipalities. King has joined other municipalities in making their concerns known to the government, meeting the end-of-year deadline. The Bill, aimed at increasing the supply of housing in Ontario, may not achieve the intended outcomes, King staff point out. Rather, green lighting projects doesn’t equate to “shovels in the ground.”
GO and Metrolinx are in the midst of a transition. And the end result will benefit all commuters in the GTA, including those in King. King councillors heard from staff from Metrolinx in transit expansion that will eventually result in two-day, all-day service every 15 minutes in York.
Another large-scale development is being proposed for Nobleton. But it will be some time before adequate services are in place to accommodate such a proposal. Crisdan Holdings and Kingvit Estates have applied to combine five properties just south of the core to house a 6-storey building with 169 units, along with commercial space and parking. There is also a plan for ground-floor commercial uses.
Innovative light maker Govee not only makes your life smarter, it makes it a lot brighter, too. Some hot new items from the company will have your home shining brightly during the holidays, and throughout the entire year.
In some cases, when you walk into something not knowing what to expect, it could go incredibly well or crumble at your feet in an instant. When KCSS Lions girls’ basketball coaches Brian Ramposo, Argentina Andrade and Jeff Masterson came into this calendar year, they had no clue what they could have anticipated. All they knew was that basketball was back and their two-year absence away from the court due to COVID, had lifted. The Lions kicked off the senior girls tier two season back on September 28 against a top team in Bayview SS.
King welcomed some high-profile special guests to ignite a spark under the local economy. More than 150 people attended a special event hosted by the Township of King and the King Chamber of Commerce at the Kingbridge Conference Centre. The King Chamber is integral to a strong local economy, Mayor Steve Pellegrini told attendees at the Chamber Business Development Breakfast, a sponsorship event aimed at enhancing the Chamber’s growth and momentum.
Technology gives us access to our favourite tunes all the time. Connecting our devices to a decent speaker will make our spirits bright, literally. Creative offers a vast array of audio products, from work solutions and headphones to all sorts of speakers.
Citizen opposition to the Province’s Bill 23 is mounting. Roughly 100 people turned out in the cold and rain at York-Simcoe and Minister of Transportation MPP Caroline Mulroney’s office on Sunday. They came with their signs and their concern for the future of Ontario.
If you need some help “making spirits bright,” just have a look at products offered by Twinkly. This time of year, scatter these gems all around the house if you want to sprinkle some magic. One of their best sellers are LED Dots, a string of lights with small, vibrant dots.
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