
Being accountable and staying in touch

November 30, 2022   ·   0 Comments

Our elected officials are our voice in government. They represent us, and act on our behalf. At every level of government, our politicians and their staff work to ensure constituents have the services, programs, infrastructure and access they need to live and thrive.

Thank goodness for that ooey, gooey, cheesy goodness!

As tough as things get sometimes, I think it’s important to think about the really nice things we get to enjoy as human beings. Many of our own personal “Kodak moments” are priceless. We are all foodies and I think we were given senses to enjoy our meals. We were given our opposing thumbs mostly for culinary purposes, and opening those processed cheese slice wraps.

Are we linked to the patterns of the cosmos?

“Nov. 08, 2022 – Few signs can appreciate all the beauty and the wonders of the world quite like you can, Virgo, and that’s a very good thing. For one, it gives you the chance to stand out, and two, it gives you something of an edge on the competition because your unique viewpoint is so different from everyone else’s. “This isn’t about making you stand out, but rather drawing attention to the real fact that you’ve got a way of seeing things, a way of doing things, that ought to be admired. You haven’t put so much effort into yourself for nothing, and you won’t always be on the shelf, certainly not much longer if that’s how things feel.

Defining what it means to be human

We human beings are curious, intelligent critters. We shed our furry bodies and tiny tails and achieved great things over the millennia. But what makes us unique and what separates us from the rest of Earth’s flora and fauna?

Splurging means getting ‘fries with that’

With a few “extra” bucks in my pocket, I decided to splurge, run some errands and get the family some take-out one recent Friday afternoon. “Splurge?” My first stop was the LCBO for some overdue “tonic.” My poison of choice went up $2 since I last purchased it. Next stop, grabbing a couple of long “underwater” sandwiches. My pocket became $22 lighter.

Take a moment to have the time of your life!

Don’t be afraid – be alive – is very good advice. And it’s so true that we seldom see what’s shining at the end of our own noses. For most of us, life moves forward at break-neck speed, pausing just long enough for us to slouch down on the sofa, or hit the hay with arms and legs dangling off the bed.

Your single vote really does matter

Residents have some important choices to make on election day. Your grass roots representation is very important because it actually impacts your life here in King. From your taxes and water bills to local bylaws and development, our local councillors are the decision makers, the movers and shakers that help define King. And you can contribute to that.

Humans driven to make a difference

When we stop making a difference, perhaps it’s time to leave, or at least make a 180. No one wants to be a dunsel. I don’t know when I began to fade, like a mid-day shadow. Perhaps I just hid from the sun, more and more. I think I want to take deeper breaths, soak up the sun on my face until it sets, and maybe smile at strangers a little more.

Things we should be teaching our children

We’re all products of the education system. Some are recent graduates, others like us Boomers, are throw-backs to simpler times. But we’re all formed, molded and changed by those years in high school and post-secondary school. Most of us remember those times, awkward moments and yes, shenanigans, in high school. Weird sentiments in our yearbooks stand as testaments to times enjoyed, but forgotten.

You can’t always build a better mousetrap!

Our technology is moving at light speed and we’re continually pushing boundaries and coming up with innovative solutions. We’ve come so far in such a short span of time, almost exponential. And yet, in 2022, there are many contraptions, contrivances and yes food staples that have gone unchanged. It’s been said that you just can’t build a better mousetrap, noting that one simple device has stood the test of time and can’t be improved.

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