
Kindness is something we have in abundance

February 15, 2023   ·   0 Comments

We are at a tipping point in society today. After years of doom and gloom, and lingering pain, we need a guiding light, a ray of sunshine. Mental health issues are at an all-time high among all age groups. And so is personal debt. There are more awful soundbites each day than good news stories.

Forced opinions not a true reflection of society

Lady Bird Johnson once said that “the clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.” Democratic principles hold dear – at their very core – the exchange of ideas and thoughts. The public is encouraged to share, trade, discuss and debate. Anything that curbs any of these fundamental principles hinders democracy. It limits our freedom. In our liberal minded society, we’ve accepted almost every religion, ideology, orientation and idea. Opinions are what great debates and discussions are made of.

Is ‘forced giving’ an option to help the world?

And Mother Teresa once suggested “if you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Truer words. Some believe that giving is in our nature as human beings, that we derive a sense of purpose, happiness and fulfilment from giving.

Pumping the gas to get the old guy started

It’s really true that without good health, we have nothing. Or almost nothing. We have our friends, families, and years of experience and wisdom. But it’s funny how relatively healthy people are walking around, doing what we do, and then bam! Like they say, you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck when you get unexpected news.

Making do, or making progress?

There are more than seven billion human beings sharing our planet. Of course there are bound to be problems – conflicts, disease, suffering of all shapes and sizes. It’s just math, really, and the odds. While many of these “problems” are due to external, uncontrollable circumstances, many are of our own making.

Too small to make a difference? Think again

We are inconsequential specs; tiny dots in the grand scheme of things. But there’s that saying, if you think you’re too small to make a difference, just think of a mosquito flying around your bedroom at night. Aside from all the quaint sayings, quotes and memes, our existence is truly remarkable.

Contemplating the ‘little things’ in 2023

For some of us, the holidays and bit of a break were a time of reflection. I think it’s valuable to take time, every so often, to pause, think, look back, look ahead, look inside. We should continually ask, discuss, debate and chat. We spend so much time in our own heads, it’s important to “get out” once in a while, interact, and learn from others. And then, sometimes it’s better to just remain silent and smile.

Squeezing the stuffings out of our blessings!

We’ve been encouraged to “count our blessings” each and every day. I don’t think it’s a matter of counting them. They’re not currency. Unlike our medieval ancestors, who carried their life’s wealth around in a drawstring pouch, we carry ours deep inside. But like a financial institution, our blessings can bear interest, or at least fruit.

Becoming skilled at juggling our to-do lists

When did I ever need so many hands? I’m constantly asking myself that every time I pick up after the kids; clear out the dishwasher or take out the recycling. It’s at those times that I long for an extra hand, or the ability to balance something on my nose like a seal.

Absentmindedness is my new normal

I’m with ya, Norm. My car is supposed to prevent the absent minded driver from locking his keys inside. Alas, it’s been some time since I read the manual and I’m not sure where I put it. There I was on a sunny November day watching the comings and goings at a local grocery store. I was leaning on my car because I locked myself out.

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