
A sign of hope in King Township

December 15, 2015   ·   0 Comments

As the first 11 government sponsored refugees arrived at Pearson airport destined for a new home in Milton, the King for Refugees group held its second public meeting at the King City Library on Dec. 9.

Coyote Watch King Township formed

I write this letter in hopes that other pets won’t suffer the same outcome as did our much-loved dog. I write so readers might learn and take heed from the devastating loss our family has experienced.

Can we all help to save the world?

Recent events have shown just how altruistic people can be. Canadians are known for their generosity and desperate times call for desperate measures to be sure. We are rising to the challenges ahead to help our fellow men, women and children.

Hankook’s innovations help improve winter tire traction

When it comes to winter tires, manufactures are constantly innovating. Today’s lineup of tires offers a host of unique features that almost contradict the fact they’re winter rubber.

It’s often the little things that really matter

We have it hammered into our heads to make remarkable inroads and to always have an eye on the “big picture.” That may be well and good, but how many of us are impressed at the big things accomplished in our relatively small circles? Nothing will ever come close to the Big Bang, wheel or manned flight, so we should try to make small advances each and every day.

Catching a glimpse of our earth’s vastness

“Guess what, Daddy?” asked my eldest recently. When dealing with teenagers, especially teenage girls, I know better than to assume anything. These types of questions are generally loaded. “I’m going to Africa!”

UN climate change conference a watershed moment

The United Nations climate change conference, COP 21, is set to be a watershed moment in the history of global climate warming.

Study reveals how to feel like a million bucks!

There is a key to happiness, at least according to those who study such things.

Embracing our trusted companions

I said farewell to an old friend last week, but luckily made a new one in quick order. Some of us are social creatures and make friends easily. Others take some prompting. I’ve always been a bit on the extroverted side, but in all honesty, I have but a few close friends.

Knowing we’ve done well as parents

How do we know that we’ve done our job well? As a parent, at what point do we take credit for our handiwork?

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