
The Corruption of Power

January 11, 2017   ·   0 Comments

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” John Dalberg-Acton (1834-1902) Lord Acton’s full quote went on to say: “Great men are almost always bad men.”

How can we help curb child poverty?

My son and I are embarking on a mission in late January, in an effort to help the less fortunate. Many of those we will be helping are children. We live relative luxury in this country, even if we are challenged by the free market and accompanying economic pitfalls. We complain about the price at the pumps, hydro rates and credit card bills.

Death by a thousand cuts

“A culture is no better than its woods,” wrote W.H. Auden. The Ontario Greenbelt Alliance recently released a map to the Ontario government “highlighting the potential harmful impacts of more than 650 requests, by developers and municipalities to remove land from Ontario’s protected Greenbelt.”

Social media lowering our collective IQs

Those of us who are “connected,” have a grasp on the power of social media. But in reality, we’re like little children playing with a new toy, not fully understanding how it works or what it is. We just push all the buttons, leap on the information highway and join the long “commute” to our destination.

Enjoying other worlds and those who bring them to life

Record numbers of humans and extraterrestrials descended upon the Metro Convention Centre over the Labour Day long weekend, in search of answers. What they found, amidst the hundreds if not thousands of costume-clad individuals, was a place where time stood still and reality was merely an opinion.

Too old to wear skinny jeans!

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they realize they just can’t compete with the youngins. Alas, the body raises the white flag long before our minds and wisdom begin to fail. So here we are, my fellow 50-somethings – smart, experienced, funny and genuine souls, who are deemed too old to wear a sports jersey!

Impacts of weather felt in Holland Marsh

When your livelihood is derived from agriculture, there is no such thing as a “normal” or “average” year. From one year to the next, you will have to deal with varying challenges and food and farming certainly isn’t the “same old, same old” from one year to the next. We use best farm, and best management practices, as much as you are able to when your business partner is Mother Nature!

Our youngsters feeling more stress, too

Adults haven’t cornered the market on stress. Yes, we deal with it every day, 24/7. But so do our youngsters and teens in particular.

Life-changing experience impacts us all

Imagine my consternation when I “Googled” Oloirien, Kenya. The satellite images showed a road, but little else. Nothing, for miles around, aside from some bushes here and there.

Councillor reiterates stance on severances

Further to my letter to the editor of April 15, 2015, and in reference to recent activity related to two OPAs (Official Plan Amendments) seeking ...

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