
Perfect time to get out and explore Ontario

July 8, 2020   ·   0 Comments

With many vacation plans on the back burner this summer, it may be the ideal opportunity to get out and explore this province of ours. Last summer, our family travelled to Prince Edward County for the first time and I was amazed and surprised.

Rushing to return to what, exactly?

As COVID-19 restrictions are lifted world-wide, there’s a mad dash to get out and return to “normal.” But there’s the rub, as the Bard once said. There is no “normal,” at least not at this point. We should, as many suggest, consider which parts of normal we’re rushing back to.

I realize I’m no longer a ‘spring chicken’

I came to a startling realization recently, one undoubtedly exacerbated by the CVOID-19 pandemic. I’m not as young as I used to be! And the beautifully straight, flowing locks that adorned my elongated head are thinning.

Economic data rendered meaningless

As we stretch out our arms, as if waking from a long hibernation, we soon realize we’re not in Kansas anymore. The view outside our windows may appear to be the same, but it’s not. It’s not the Twilight Zone, it’s the “Post-COVID-19 World.”

How will white collar office jobs transform?

It’s difficult to predict the future of our white collar workforce, when every day has been “casual Friday.” More often than not, those working from home have adopted, shall we say, more leisurely attire.

Living in a world of “no longers”

We’re all hearing about the “new normal.” While catchy, I don’t think it’s a thing. Our behaviour now, and in post-COVID-19 Canada, will definitely be “new.”

Understanding our concept of the passage of time

“Why can’t things stay the way they are?” asked the young inquisitive boy. “Because of the passage of time,” was the learned response. “Time? What does that have to do with anything?” What indeed.

Isolation forces inward reflection

We casually toss around phrases like “taking stock” and “glancing inward,” or even “taking time to reflect.” These can be nasty things, especially when they’re forced. As isolation stretched out seven, eight, nine weeks, our nerves frayed and our patience has been tested. We’ve likely been frustrated to say the least. We know exactly what the culprit is and yet this doesn’t help our mental state one iota. Almost everyone would admit to being stretched to the limit in recent weeks, like a modern-day Gumby.

Time to ‘infect’ people with a little bit of hope

Mark Pavilons There’s a quaint prayer that asks the Good Lord to give us enough strength to make changes and accept the things we can’t ...

‘Mom’ is one of the most pleasant words of all

It’s been said that a mother’s love is like nothing else in the world. Having witnessed this first-hand in my own family, I can attest to that fact. I sat in the backyard this past weekend, listening to the wind rustle the tree branches and blow through the young spring grass. The sun was shining, the first strong sun of the new season. It felt good. Off in the distance I heard a young girl’s voice,calling “mom?”

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