
We need the means to make a difference

September 16, 2020   ·   0 Comments

We all have the power within us to make a difference and change the world. Our one act, donation and especially our vote can alter the future. Small daily baby steps can eventually lead to a long and productive journey. We probably make a difference each and every day, maybe more than we realize.

Facing adversity with nonchalant indifference

Lately, I’ve found myself being more apathetic, or at least mildly indifferent, to the goings-on around me. A few unforseen expenses, car repairs and events unfolding not as expected, have left me somewhat deflated. Along with that loss of air pressure is a feeling of “que sera, sera.”

Birthdays remind me of aged Limburger!

Clint Eastwood said aging can be fun if you simply lay back and enjoy it. Many others believe aging is much better than the alternative – dying! Of course, reaching a certain age has its benefits, not the least of which is a certain smidgen of wisdom. Like a fine wine, I’ve reached a decent vintage, even though no one is interested in this particular blend of middle age man stuff.

Consumers are in fight or flight mode

The fallout from the pandemic has infiltrated our wallets and purses. “We can’t afford that,” will likely become the new battle cry for average Canadians.

Dreams are necessary in our life’s journey

Supertramp, in its 1974 hit, criticized someone for being “nothing but a dreamer,” and not making their dreams come true by acting on them. It can be argued that tomorrow is, in fact, today’s “dream” for it has yet to transpire.

Will we all be gone without a trace?

One minute we’re here, the next moment we’re gone. Nothing, not a trace. It was if we were never here. Other than trinkets, baubles, clothes and a mess in the bathroom, when we vanish from the face of the earth very little of ourselves remains. Hollow, material things, made by strangers, adorn our walls and shelves. Not very reassuring, not one bit.

We’re constantly reinventing ourselves

“Qui suis-je et que signifie-je pour vous?” What am I and what do I mean to you? This was the opening line of a poem I wrote in French class in high school. That sentiment is as relevant today as it was back in 1980. What do I mean to you?

We’re not equipped to deal with the passage of time

We’ve all had the feeling that some days drag on like we’re walking in mud, while others fly by. We know that time doesn’t change, so it must be our perception, right? Our brains and bodies are complex, indeed.

‘Simplifying’ is more important than ever

How many times have we heard the expression “less is more?” How many times have we given it any heed? We’ve had ample opportunity to let this concept sink in over the past few months.

Unfortunate encounter with deer changes everything

It’s funny, you know, how things can change in an instant. One minute you’re driving home from a day at the beach and the next you encounter one of nature’s cutest mammals. When you meet a deer in the road, the animal almost always wins.

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