
Spring cleaning a bit of a memory cleanse

April 14, 2021   ·   0 Comments

It’s kinda weird going through one’s old personal belongings and piles of socked-away items. A recent weekend cleanup revealed my life in a nutshell. Talk about seeing your life pass by your very eyes in a matter of minutes!

Smiles and chuckles are amazing gifts to share

Congratulations if you’re reading this! It means you’re alive and if that’s not reason enough to smile, I don’t know what is! I’m smiling as I write this. As stressful as the world is at times, I make it a point to laugh several times a day.

Salaries devour plenty of taxpayers’ dollars

Most of us average Canadians work so that we can live. For us, it’s a necessity, to afford life’s simple pleasures like paying taxes, utility bills, mortgages and credit card bills. Most of us don’t work for the government. But for those who do, life seems pretty good, regardless of your job.

Every life is worth living and worth the effort

For Julie Andrews, her favourite things included raindrops on roses and schnitzel with noodles. I happen to like those things, too. We’ve all been dealt the worst possible hand over the past year. At times, it seemed impossible to win a round, let alone come out ahead of the game.

Stigma, access plague mental health sufferers

Our bodies may be our temples, but our minds are our palaces. Our human CPU holds everything that we are, our very essence if you will. Not only does our brain control every bodily function, but it lets us imagine, live life and yes, escape.

Venturing down many rabbit holes

For decades, humans have been aware of the existence of black holes in the universe. These all-consuming regions pull in everything in their path and the gravity is so strong not even light can escape it. Black holes often occur when suns die. There’s nothing like it on earth, and fortunately not one within earshot in our solar system.

Step up to Riobel products in your home

Our kitchens reflect who we are and what we value.Kitchen renovations are among top of mind for most homeowners. And prospective home buyers are looking ...

Addressing poverty can’t come soon enough

And, according to Clint Borgen, poverty is relatively cheap to address and “incredibly expensive to ignore.” I think the pandemic has given us all a big jolt, a reawakening of sorts. Poverty, in all of its guises, is abundant, right here at home.

Pandemic has sparked innovations

Human history is filled with some very amazing accomplishments. It seems that some of our greatest achievements arise out of the ashes like the mythical Phoenix – good things come from very bad experiences.

The rich bounce back, others never will

John F. Kennedy once said that “if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.” The “mega-rich” will recoup COVID-losses in record-time yet billions will live in poverty for at least another decade.

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