
Freedom and democracy taken for granted

March 9, 2022   ·   0 Comments

We are quite lucky in this country, the True North Strong and Free. We know it, say it, but many of our citizens don’t likely grasp the true meaning. We take democracy and our rights and freedoms for granted. Didn’t we have these all along?

Rich rise while rest of humanity stumbles

Poverty is an anomaly to the rich. And it’s odd that God gave the poor a rich heart, and some of the rich, a poor one. A new survey indicates that one new billionaire is “minted” every 26 hours and inequality contributes to the death of one person every four seconds.

What does it take for us to evolve?

What will it take for our species to rise up, meet the challenges as one, unified world? My son told me something very poignant the other day. He said if we don’t let go of animosity in our hearts and come together as one species, we will never rise to another, greater level. In other words, we won’t evolve into something better unless we let go of our negative human qualities. He’s quite right.

Salvation lies in traditional fresh-cooked food

Humans are obsessed with food. And why shouldn’t we be? When is the last time you cleaned your plate because the meal was made with magical ingredients – love and tradition?

Unnecessary loss of human life is tragic

I find it tragic and sad when human life is wasted. When someone is born, lives and dies, but whose life goes by unnoticed, it’s an extreme waste of potential. Sure, I get it. Thousands of people, including children, die everyday. Many of these deaths are preventable, but our society has not evolved enough to get concerned about all life around the globe.

Can we ever pull our own strings?

We’re all performers, whether we’d like to admit it or not. Shakespeare once wrote that “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances …” Puppet or puppet master?

Our biggest concerns are affording groceries and gas

The latest financial news comes with some noticeable belt-tightening among average Canadians. It was reported recently week that “51% of Canadians can’t afford a $200 increase in monthly expenses.”

Pizza Hut’s crumbles are a hit

The meatless offerings continue to rise in the food industry. And our most loved comfort food – pizza – is no exception.

Keep what’s inside your head to yourself!

Do you really want to know what’s going on inside someone else’s head? Would you like to read your spouse’s mind? Do you really want to know what your kids think of you? Nope.

Why does it always come down to money?

It’s funny how many important actions always come down to money. It’s been said that money can’t buy happiness or that it can’t build meaning into life. But when it comes to major policies, mandates, protocols – major change – yes indeed money matters. Martin Luther King Jr. noted that any country that spends more money on its military than social programs will be doomed spiritually.

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