
Our children are our ultimate legacy

July 6, 2022   ·   0 Comments

H. Jackson Brown Jr. once said that we parents should live in a way that when our kids think of fairness, caring and integrity, they think of us. There are many lasting bequests we can pass on to our kids. All we can do is try, and hope that we give them the qualities, characteristics and moral fibre to be decent, contributing members of society.

We are all part of something bigger

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Post-pandemic lethargy curbing our efforts

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Proposed gun ban won’t solve anything

With all the troubles in our world, the “silly season” – election time in Ontario – has brought out some silly suggestions. The Ontario Liberals have pledged to ban the sale, possession, transport and storage of handguns if elected. Their plan will also accept the federal government’s offer to fund a buy-back program; partner with the federal government to stop gun smuggling at the Ontario-U.S. borders, and advocate to extend the ban nationally so that guns can’t be funneled through inter-provincial borders. Once again, our politicians are firing blanks to speak.

Sharing stories sustains our entire species

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Time to alter our nagging to-do lists

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Frugality becomes a necessity these days

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What really happened to our younger selves?

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Immortality may already be part of our DNA

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Disarming foes without a shot being fired

We are definitely living in sobering times. The conflict in Ukraine, and response from around the world, shows just how important social media, and “instant” messages are these days.

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