
A sense of calm is important for us all

September 21, 2022   ·   0 Comments

We’re all familiar with Winston Churchill’s oft-copied sentiment “stay calm and carry on.” In fact, we now see various iterations of it on our shirts and coffee mugs, almost like a call to action. Humans have been burdened by stress since the dawn of time and yes, my friends, that will be our undoing.

Nothing sleepy about King’s small towns!

For those of us who grew up in small towns, there’s a certain quality you can’t fully describe. And yet, it’s one that fills your chest with air, widens your smile and brightens your eyes. Those who criticize it, obviously haven’t experienced it.

Looking for more? Just look inside!

t seems the more we have, the more we want, or the more we’re “entitled to.” How have we got it so wrong, and veered so far off the straight and narrow?

Adults find joy in the simplest things

Those who’ve spent any time at all in “adulthood” know the drawbacks and pitfalls. Bob Newhart once warned us not to run into adulthood: “it isn’t all that much fun.” Canadian band The Pursuit of Happiness (I’m an Adult Now, 1985) pointed out when we’re adults we don’t hate our parents anymore and we have our own reasons to drink. While we can sleep in any time we want, we don’t because there’s too much to do.

Putting our collective talents together

A funny internet cartoon pointed out that you can lead a human to knowledge but you can’t make him think. So true. Today, we are at the height of knowledge as a species. We have so much technology, medical prowess and wealth of information that it’s simply astounding. And what do we do with it? Not much.

Being true guardians of the planet and nature

Most of us should realize by now we are only temporary guardians of this planet. Our time is limited and yet our history, traditions and land ownership patterns have contributed to inequality, greed and a false sense of security.

We 50-somethings are the real deal!

Being older and wiser can have its advantages. While I still feel young at heart, I am closing in on the final few chapters of my life. It’s funny that when we Boomers think back about our youth we feel old. I remember our first microwave and colour TV. I remember dial phones in that weird beige colour. I remember heading to the dump on weekends with my dad.

The world is a beautiful and wondrous place

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
– Helen Keller

That may be true, but I bet even Helen would have loved to have seen some of the wonders of the world.

You can’t help but be impressed by the universe

There seems to be an incredible, artistic pattern to it all. No, my friends, there’s nothing random about billions of galaxies flying through the universe, all with their own unique qualities. It’s like all the masters combined their talents to paint the heavens.

Forced disconnect reveals our weaknesses

Stuck. No that’s not the name of a new reality show (but it could be. I got dibs.) The country-wide crash of Rogers services sent people into a tailspin. Many services were cancelled, and debit machines were down for a couple of days.

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