July 9, 2013 · 0 Comments
Regarding the article “King Township purchases former Holy Name school for $2.95 M,” the headline should read “Taxpayers purchase school.”
A number of years ago taxpayers purchased the property, constructed the school, and over the years poured millions of dollars into staffing, repairing and operating the facility as a school. In addition, taxpayers have recently paid for a sparkling new facility to replace this abandoned facility.
By allowing the school board to manage the property, I suspect that over the years the board took the position that it was “our” property. What I would call the “entitlement syndrome.” As a result the taxpayers are now purchasing a piece of “public” property a second time.
There is a second abandoned school in King City which should be looked at in the same way. The Eva L. Dennis school with its playground adjacent to the King Memorial Park is publicly owned, having been purchased and operated using taxpayer funding for many years. Several years ago a new taxpayer funded school was built to replace it.
Mayor Pellegrini has stated that the Holy Name School will be purchased using reserves. Rather than rob the taxpayers of the reserves that have been built up in case of emergencies, the school boards should “re-gift” the properties to the taxpayers.
Ed Millar
King City
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