October 4, 2023 · 0 Comments
By Mark Pavilons
The improved “Our King” Official Plan is being reviewed by Township staff.
The review of this guiding document will help ensure King balances its growth with preserving its characteristics.
Staff created an introductory discussion paper outlining some key issues.
Provincial mandate requires municipalities to review their plans every five years and King’s OP was approved by York Region in September of 2020. It establishes a comprehensive set of policies to provide direction and set the framework for managing growth, land use and infrastructure in King to 2031.
Staff noted that since Our King was adopted, a number of changes took place at the regional and provincial levels, including updates to the Planning Act, Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), Growth Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Greenbelt Plan. These all impact King’s OP.
The review provides an opportunity to deliver an updated OP that not only builds upon a strong foundation, but establishes a “robust policy framework and strong vision for guiding growth in the township to 2051.”
To initiate the Official Plan Review, Staff have prepared an Introductory Discussion Paper that provides an overview on key topics that will be considered throughout the Official Plan Review, while serving as a basis for getting the conversation started and obtaining initial Council and public input.
Through the Introductory Discussion Paper, staff identified the three principal areas for review – the Vision for King; Planning for Complete Communities; and Protecting What Matters.
Priority policy areas for the review include agricultural and rural lands; a sustainable countryside; natural heritage and the environment, and climate change.
The five-phase process will include public engagement, open houses and a public meeting.
In order to ensure that the OPR is updated in a manner that successfully addresses the needs and desires of the public, community and stakeholder engagement throughout the OPR is essential. A detailed Community Engagement Plan is proposed to be developed as part of Phase One of the OPR to ensure that there are a variety of opportunities available to all who wish to participate in the review
Consultation will also occur in many forms, ranging from open houses and workshops to informational videos, pamphlets and surveys. Staff have also launched a project page for the OPR on the Township’s public engagement platform, SpeaKING, which will contain information on all upcoming events and consultation opportunities, as well as copies of all project materials and recordings.
The Township has allocated $200,000 for the review. Hopes are the OP review and update will be completed by 2025.
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