King Weekly Sentinel
Export date: Sun Feb 16 12:47:50 2025 / +0000 GMT

Pollinators are struggling

With so many issues grabbing our attention today, bees, pollinators and the massive decline in insect populations worldwide have been back burner for many of us.
This summer in particular. One week any given region of the world is burning and the next it's under water. Nova Scotia hits close to home but it's not unique. If trees, crops and humans are having a hard time with these conditions you might imagine that bees are also struggling.
The ebb and flow of honey production has always been a thing but the last decade has seen mostly losses. Without huge sums of time and money being reinvested in beekeeping operations many would be unable to sustain themselves and many more are wondering how much longer they can keep their heads above water.
We're quick to spend billions to pave over the land that sustains agriculture, pay lip service and give token grants to help beekeepers who lose their livestock almost every year. The native population of pollinators has dropped dramatically and there is very little research being done as to why.
The situation isn't hopeless. We can overcome this if we choose. You can start making an impact right in your back yard by not worrying so much about weeds, planting native species, act locally by joining a local gardening or native plant group, talk to your local councillor about supporting pollinator habitat, tell the provincial government that repealing the endangered species act is a bad idea.
We must all be advocates for our natural environment for all our sake.

Andre Flys

Post date: 2023-08-02 11:01:56
Post date GMT: 2023-08-02 15:01:56

Post modified date: 2023-08-02 11:01:58
Post modified date GMT: 2023-08-02 15:01:58

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