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Understanding our wants and needs

Mark Pavilons

“You can't always get what you want ...
But if you try sometimes ...
You just might find you get what you need!”
The Rolling Stones

Human beings are constantly torn between their wants and needs. We're always trying to fill the voids, those hollow spaces in our hearts, minds and bodies.
As science unravels some of the greatest mysteries of the human mind and body, our emotions continue to mystify and confuse us. We can pluck out a single gene in our DNA, yet we can't quantify or define love or desire. We have yet to “bottle” the ingredients that make up drive and success, and we can't write a text explaining motivation or feeling “blah.”
Our emotions, and what we draw from them, are both our greatest strengths and worst weaknesses.
That's humankind in a nutshell.
The new year is a time of reflection, goal-setting and contemplation.
Many of us make resolutions to improve ourselves and mitigate our deficiencies. It's a never-ending process to be sure.
While taking stock, we can identify our best and worst qualities and deal with them accordingly.
I found the last stretch of 2017 to be more hectic and stressful than 2016. I can't really pinpoint it, but I felt “off” and a little discouraged. Perhaps it does come down to the notion presented by The Rolling Stones.
In some ways, my feelings of “blah” came from global turmoil – senseless tragedies, deaths, tensions, economic upheavals ...
Even this past holiday season, I don't recall many “good news” stories. Instead, we heard about a bus crash, train derailment and suspicious deaths of a well known Toronto philanthropic couple. I also read that we hit a 10-year low in Canada for giving to charity.
I have found throughout my life that despite the hurdles – and there have been many – our family has always found a way to come out with just a few bumps and bruises. There were many times when skies darkened and I felt helpless and bleak. But things tended to turn around and work out in the end.
I'm not saying there are always happing endings and I've always found that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But I think a lot of it is in how we face and deal with our challenges. Of course, strength, and ultimate solutions, can come from our circle of friends.
I try to find solutions to problems, and approach things in a logical, pragmatic way. When work gets me down, I take comfort in the paper I help produce each week, and the amazing people I have come to know. That remains one of my best sources of strength and accomplishment.
In the past five years, I have met so many great souls and I count a lot of them as my friends, not just work associates or acquaintances. In my business I have to walk a fine line so my judgement remains impartial. But I am human and I am a social creature.
I have gone above and beyond in many ways, so I feel more connected with this community than even my own. I have been engaged in fundraisers and have been asked to be an MC at events. I have spoken to students in schools and I freely give advice to individuals or businesses on how to promote themselves.
I try to give credit where it's due.
People have said that I'm not very critical or harsh when it comes to local politics. There are always conspiracy theorists and those who carry grudges. I've been covering municipal politics for my entire career, and I even ran for regional council in Bolton in 2010.
I have found that attacking local politicians feeds into a frenzy that is both unproductive and a waste of resources.
I've only been on the scene for the past five years and in my opinion, I have found King to be a model in many ways. It's Sustainability Plan; various department strategic documents; cohesiveness and sense of “all for one” deserve praise. Given past acclamations of councillors and the mayor, it seems the public is generally pleased, too.
Small municipalities are always being challenged to provide needed services with the limited resources they have. Again, taxpayers may not get what they want, but most often, they get what they need.
Everyone thinks they can do other people's jobs better. We can all be better politicians; better journalists and better business people.
There is plenty of stress and uncertainty in the world today. We don't need any more on the home front.
I would suggest that we all have a look at our wants and needs as we prepare for 2018.
For me, I'm still hoping that opportunities come knocking and I'm better prepared to provide for my family. I will always be there to support my wife and children in any way possible. I've often discounted the power of positive thinking, but maybe I'll give it a try this year. I tend to get bogged down in adversity, but perhaps I should revel in finding that silver lining.
If I do it right, I just might find what I need!
Excerpt: Human beings are constantly torn between their wants and needs. We’re always trying to fill the voids, those hollow spaces in our hearts, minds and bodies.
Post date: 2018-01-03 10:29:15
Post date GMT: 2018-01-03 15:29:15
Post modified date: 2018-01-03 10:29:15
Post modified date GMT: 2018-01-03 15:29:15
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