King Weekly Sentinel
Export date: Sun Jun 30 19:26:12 2024 / +0000 GMT

Enjoy home-cooked meals through Pops’ Kitchen

By Mark Pavilons

The best investment we can make is in our own wellbeing.
Eating healthy meals together isn't a luxury, but rather a necessity.
This becomes a challenge when our fast-paced lives and careers hinder our evening meal plans. The money spent on take-out is much better put towards healthy, nutritious home-cooked food.
Fortunately, Pops' Kitchen is responding to the call, the need for fresh, healthy, delicious meals wherever and whenever you want. It really doesn't get much better than that.
Serving King residents, Pops' Kitchen is the brainchild of culinary whiz Aladin Jarrah. This very personal, tailor-made service grew out of Jarrah's passion and consideration for residents' life balance. He's keenly aware of King residents' lifestyle choice, which sometimes leaves them with precious little time to prepare those home-cooked meals.
He will prepare family friendly, hot, well-made and reasonably priced meals, just like the ones that came from mom's, or pop's kitchen.
He's urging everyone to think again, when you're stuck for dinner and dash out for that unhealthy, fast-food meal or crack open that factory-produced frozen dinner. While there may be some healthy take-out food choices available, nothing compares to a meal made with fresh, seasonal produce, accompanied by, let's say, buttermilk chicken, corn and slaw.
Maybe you're in the mood for bangers and mash, or perhaps a pork tenderloin marsala. From Moroccan to casual country chic, Jarrah can offer you a multitude of dishes from around the world.
Jarrah pointed out that residents have help with their lawn maintenance, household cleaning and even childcare. We need to look after our dietary needs as well.
He makes a point of using locally sourced, seasonal food whenever he can, and his menus are seasonally based to provide asparagus in the summer, corn in the fall.
If you're not convinced a hot, home-cooked meal is the way to go, just check the nutritional guide from your favourite restaurant or fast food chain.
Jarrah's meals cater to your nutritional and dietary needs and he considers salt and fat content, as well as allergies and religious requirements. He can easily accommodate lactose and gluten related issues.
“It's based on the bounty of where we live,” he said, noting we live near the Holland Marsh, so there's no reason not to enjoy the cornucopia of amazing veggies.
“The earth does it well,” he said, commenting on the abundance of produce.
The key to his meals is to balance the meats with vegetables and grains. He stressed that meat is not the centrepiece of a dish anymore. “A meal doesn't have to be a lump of meat with stuff around it,” he pointed out, adding “it's integrated into the meal.”
It's all about balance, and freshness. In the summer, he offers salads, grilled vegetables and lighter foods.
But he's more than willing to serve up some beef Bourguignon, schnitzel or souvlaki. He also has some kids' favourites, like pizza and grilled cheese, all made with ample servings of TLC.
The amazing menu items – chicken curry, Middle Eastern eggplant sandwich and risotto – attest to his passion, and worldly experiences. He's travelled extensively, soaking up many cultural dishes. He's learned from some of the very best, and even from The Queen's personal footman. He's familiar with food from the Mediterranean, Africa, India, Italy and France.
He finds his heart lies in the kitchen, where he can express himself artistically.
Through Pops' Kitchen, he wants to help preserve the quality of life here in King. Residents should really enjoy life and spend less time running around just to survive.
Let Aladin do the work.
He's no stranger to the community, often appearing with his wife Catherine “The Diva in the Rough” Hughes at various community events and fundraisers. Through his Dinner at Eight catering service, Jarrah also offers “ridiculously good meals for two to 20 in the comfort of your own home.”
Jarrah's services aren't limited to dinners. Research shows that our kids are lacking wholesome foods in their lunches. He can be your resource, your nutritional handbook, for these daily meals.
Jarrah is prepared to cook for you daily, weekly, for special events, or even when you're left alone when your spouse is travelling. Do you have a family dinner coming up and you just don't want to spend the day in the kitchen? Leave it to Jarrah. The in-laws have been asking for roast beef and potatoes? No problem for Pops' Kitchen. He can come to your home, armed with his own pots and pans, and leave your kitchen spotless after he's done.
Don't settle. Call ahead and order the grilled pork chops with caramelized apples, one of the Chinese stir fries or penne arabiata with a “Zorba The Greek” salad.
For more, call 416-708-2549 or email him at, or visit
Excerpt: The best investment we can make is in our own wellbeing. Eating healthy meals together isn’t a luxury, but rather a necessity.
Post date: 2016-06-08 09:20:08
Post date GMT: 2016-06-08 13:20:08

Post modified date: 2017-05-10 09:21:48
Post modified date GMT: 2017-05-10 13:21:48

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