King Weekly Sentinel
Export date: Fri Feb 21 10:57:01 2025 / +0000 GMT

Heavy rains no match for Husky bantam King Cobras

By Wayne Rudnitski
With unprecedented heavy rains – not seen in these parts since Hurricane Hazel – playing havoc with the schedule makers, it turned out to be a light week of action on the base paths.
However, the Husky Bantam King Cobras were like lightning in a jar in dismantling their Vaughan opponent in a one-sided but exciting affair. With the help of Mother Nature expect lots of baseball action and updates this coming week.


Another game and another win for the Husky King Cobras!  On July 10 the acclaimed Husky Cobras trounced the visiting Vaughan Ram by a convincing 11-1 score. It was an outstanding team effort as each Husky player either had a hit, an RBI or reached base!
The best hit of the game was Thomas Galt's rocket shot in the second inning which reached the fence in left field, bringing the home crowd to their feet and earning Galt an RBI.  The pitching machines known as the Husky pitchers successfully hurled five scoreless innings but a shut out in the sixth was denied by a steal of home plate.
Ethan Cooney demonstrated his strong defensive skills when he turned two consecutive outs on two strong throws from third base to first.
Congratulations on another well played game as players Alex French, Zachary Long, Mac MacDonald, Alex Topp, Daniel Pignataro, Daniel Kandelas, Eric Marchetta, Leighton Costanzo and Scott Cameron all crossed the plate with a run or some way contributed to Husky's 11 runs scored and celebrated victory!
Overall Player of the Game is awarded to MacDonald for two strong innings, a deep single to centre field, blazing pitches, two runs and two RBIs.

Player of the Week

The KTBA Player of the Week honour goes to Mac MacDonald of the Husky King Cobras bantam team.  MacDonald was a monster on the mound and at the plate. He pitched two strong innings, scored twice and drove in a pair of runs in helping to lead his team to a convincing victory.
Excerpt: With unprecedented heavy rains – not seen in these parts since Hurricane Hazel – playing havoc with the schedule makers, it turned out to be a light week of action on the base paths.
Post date: 2013-07-16 12:40:33
Post date GMT: 2013-07-16 16:40:33

Post modified date: 2013-07-23 15:07:15
Post modified date GMT: 2013-07-23 19:07:15

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