King provides updates on two planning reviews
The Township of King is seeking input on two planning reviews, through virtual open houses, the Sept. 26 Council meeting and its online engagement platform SpeaKing. King Township is reviewing its urban design guidelines, which apply to the villages of King City, Nobleton and Schomberg. The draft Village Urban Design Guidelines are available for the public to review at There will be two virtual open houses to learn about the new draft Village Urban Design Guidelines and to collect feedback from the public. The open houses will be held on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The same materials will be presented at each meeting. The public can join the open houses using a computer or by telephone. To register, please visit and click on the Urban Design Guidelines project page. King Township is also reviewing its zoning for the rural areas and hamlets within the Township, which are currently regulated by the Township's Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw. The final draft of the Zoning Bylaw for the Countryside is now available to review at the SpeaKING project page. The final draft will return to Council on Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. for consideration of adoption. The staff report will be available online at by Friday, Sept. 23. Anyone wanting to participate in the Sept. 26 meeting can submit written comments or speak to Council remotely (by audio-telephone). Please review the process for public participation at: For questions about the two reviews or for more information, contact Aloma Dreher, Senior Policy Planner, at [email protected] or 905-833-5321, ext. 1004. “King Township has a strong history of listening to the public when making decisions that could impact them. That's why we've offered several convenient ways for the public to provide feedback on both the Urban Design Guidelines and Rural Area Zoning Bylaw reviews. This includes previous open houses,” said King Mayor Steve Pellegrini. “We've already collected many thoughtful comments and ideas during both reviews. We will continue to collect them for the Urban Design Guidelines as the feedback we collect will help Council and staff make informed decisions that will benefit the entire community.”