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Export date: Tue Sep 17 18:45:35 2024 / +0000 GMT

Watt’s books a must-read

It is with sadness that I learned of King's own Gavin Watt's possible retirement from the intensive process of writing his series on 18th century history of Canada/Upper United States, which have enthralled readers for some time. We look forward to reading his new book, “No Despicable Enemy: 1779” with bated breath!
As an archaeologist and historian myself, I cannot recommend strongly enough that his books be read by Canadians old and new, parents and teachers and anyone interested in how this continent was convulsed in a searing struggle for survival of peoples and cultures in that century.
The conflict, in its way, was a precursor of the later world wars for ferocity, world sweep and significance. Anyone wishing to learn how this country was formed and what shaped its attitudes can do no better than read all of Gavin's books. You will probably find the contents more wrenching and awe-inspiring than any Game of Thrones, particularly as the characters existed and did these amazing and terrifying deeds.
It was through one of Gavin's earlier books that I found a Loyalist ancestor of mine, whom we had heard about, and learned of his flight to Niagara after the American Revolution, his fight to help regain his lands lost to the Americans and his joining a Loyalist regiment who fought alongside the Iroquois. Any doubts you may have about who you are settle quickly when you know how strong your ancestors were. I was blown away, and you will be too if you read the series.
Thank you Gavin for all you have done for King and for Canada in your wonderful books!

Kathleen Adamson

Post date: 2019-12-18 10:33:27
Post date GMT: 2019-12-18 15:33:27
Post modified date: 2019-12-18 10:33:37
Post modified date GMT: 2019-12-18 15:33:37
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