CCKT board ready to meet challenges of 2019
By Greg Locke
Past Chair, Concerned Citizens of King Township
I'm writing this article as recent “past chair” of CCKT. It's my personal sign-off to my direct engagement with this wonderful organization and members, having served 10 years on the board, eight as chair.
Word has gotten around King that I've stepped down. And why? I strongly believe that leadership needs to change every so often, to keep a team effective and relevant. More practically, to focus on my family, business and personal advocacy pursuits.
CCKT does a lot of good work, all by dedicated volunteers, much behind-the scenes. The chair role is a solid part-time job (full-time at moments), so much so I planned to take a break from CCKT following my participation as a candidate in the past provincial election.
I love King! If I didn't, I wouldn't give so much of my time to causes I know are important – critical – to our natural and rural heritage.
I couldn't be more happier than what I witnessed at CCKT's AGM at King's newly opened municipal office: the addition of five new board members, all wanting to contribute to furthering the near 50-year history of this organization's positive engagement in King.
These new board members include Jennifer Antsey, publisher/owner of Horse Publications Group; Tom Butt, retired hospital planning consultant; Kelly Colasanti, retired Rogers Communications executive; Sherry Draisey, retired aerospace engineer with Canadian Space Agency; Blaise Tomkay, previous board member with Country Day school.
These five individuals join the six incumbent board members who all sought re-election, and include Bruce Craig, Fred Jessop, Lee Ann Kraft, Geoff Simpson, Judith Tenenbaum and Gill Watt.
CCKT delivers significant value to all King residents. I make no secret of the fact I want to encourage you to support and get involved in this institution. And I'm perfectly biased position to do so, having served for over 10 years with CCKT.
The reality is, we're a distracted and stressed society. Getting engaged means time and commitment! As a father and husband, not to mention business owner, I get these challenges. Being a regular member of CCKT helps it to fund is many activities, including regular member meetings with noteworthy speakers; hosting political all candidates' meetings at all levels; researching and advocating for issues before local and regional councils; hosting special educational forums, and more.
Here are the primary mandates of CCKT:
• Ensuring we build complete, sustainable, healthy communities in King.
• Preserving King's sensitive natural environments including the Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt.
• Maintaining King's unique rural heritage.
• Supporting our agricultural and equine industries.
• And above all, acting as the only independent (non-Township funded or organized) citizen advocacy group representing all King Township residents.
CCKT has been doing this for nearly 50 years, and its challenges to Local, provincial and even federal governments and stakeholders have never been greater.
CCKT started with a group of citizens concerned with the insensitivities of Ontario Hydro's then planned distribution corridor through prime King lands in the late 1960s. It's continued to current day, with a rich history yet to be penned.
CCKT is proud to have witnessed and been engaged in the development and legislative passing of the Moraine and Greenbelt, two significant developments that have positively impacted over 80% of the lands occupied by King. And we were positively engaged in the mandated 15-year review that has seen protections to these lands strengthened and reinforced.
It's been my pleasure serving as chair of CCKT. I encourage you to support and get involved in this organization. Memberships are $20 per year and come with many benefits. Please have a look at
Bon Chance CCKT in 2019! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.