King Weekly Sentinel
Export date: Fri Sep 20 2:25:43 2024 / +0000 GMT

KRA clarifies petition results

After reading the article  article on the public planning meeting held Dec. 7 concerning an application to amend the Official Plan for 22 and 32 Snowberry Lane in Kingscross Estates, we feel it is necessary to clear up several issues that were not well understood at the meeting. The opposition to the application is significant.
First of all, the article states that Kingscross Ratepayers' Association (KRA) has obtained signed petitions “from roughly 50% of the households ...” to oppose the plan. In fact, we stated that we had petitions from 102 of 175 residences which is roughly 60% of the households, not 50% (103 counting the household who was afraid of the applicant and would not allow their petition to be handed in). Incidentally, the total number of residences includes vacant homes and homes under construction which are not occupied, so that the percentage would be higher if that were taken into account.
However, the important comparison is that 186 residents' signatures, whom are opposed to the application, were collected, well over three times the 60 signatures the applicant collected in support of the severance.
In addition, KRA carefully kept track of signatures so that we could say how many homes were represented (102/103) and obtained a maximum of two signatures per household.
Council was not told how many households were represented by the applicant's 60 signatures, how many signatures per household the applicant collected, or whether signatures were submitted in respect of houses under construction. Suffice it to say that the neighbourhood is overwhelmingly opposed to the proposal.
Secondly, the applicants seem to have created the impression that there is precedent for severances by referencing lots created prior to the current Official Plan. To clarify, this is not an application for a severance. The present application is for an Official Plan amendment permitting a lot just over 1.5 acres and two others well under two acres.
The correct question is, “has there ever been an Official Plan amendment permitting smaller lots?”
The answer is no.
Leslie Whicher
Kingscross Ratepayers' Association
Post date: 2016-01-06 09:49:41
Post date GMT: 2016-01-06 14:49:41

Post modified date: 2016-11-10 10:29:17
Post modified date GMT: 2016-11-10 15:29:17

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